Friday, March 16, 2012

The Elegance Of Aquamarine Jewelry

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Because of its mild color, aquamarine is often combined with other gemstones in a contemporary jewelry designs. However, it is important to make sure that this light be stone is not overwhelmed by more bright colored ones such as rubies or turquoise. One combination that is gaining in popularity is aquamarine pendants or beads added to a white or off-white pearls necklace. Since specimens with an intense blue color are much sought after, jewelers sometimes enhance the color of lightly colored specimens through heat treatment. There is nothing illegal or even unethical about heat treatment of gemstones, as long as the seller makes an honest declaration about the artificial enhancement. As of today, we have no way to determine whether or not an aquamarine specimen has been heat treated. So buyer beware, and buy your jewelry from a reputed seller.

pearl necklaces jewelry canada |By Dale Arnold on June 17, 2010

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Aquamarine is one of the many gemstones that belong to the beryl family. Most specimens have specific gravities that range from 2.6 to 2.7, and refractive indices between 1.5 and 1.6. Aquamarine is a hard stone and on the Moh's scale which ranges from 1 to 10, aquamarine rates an eight. The major advantage of this hardness is that it does not scratch easily, is easy to cut and can be polished to a high shine. However, experienced cutters know that specimens can often have well developed cleavage planes which must be recognized and accommodated during cutting. An inexperienced cutter can easily destroy a stone by improper cutting techniques and orientation that can cause the stone to split along these planes of weakness. From the point of view of the jewelry owner however, the hardness of the stone translates to relatively easy care and maintenance. Occasional wiping with a soft, moist cloth is usually all it take to clean aquamarine jewelry.

Aquamarine is a pale blue gemstone that has garnered a large fan following over the years. This blue stone lends class and elegance to any piece of fashion or fine jewelry. One principal reason for the popularity of aquamarine is its color. The pale blue color compliments a wide range of skin tones and colors. This means that the women of all ethnicities can enjoy this beautiful gem. At the other end of the spectrum, the color is also mild enough to where it can be incorporated into amulets and jewelry for young children and even babies. Most specimens of aquamarine are quite light in color and nearly transparent. While this light color does have its advantages as discussed above, it also has a few cons. The most significant disadvantage of the light color is that inclusion, fractures, and other flaws in the stone can be readily identified even through a cursory inspection by an inexperienced eye. As with most gems, flawless stones tend to be more expensive and in greater demand compared to specimens with inclusions or other flaws.

Discussing Some Facts About Silver Jewelry

When talking about the jewelry most of the people prefer to buy and wear gold jewelry therefore silver jewelry is not very common and people don't know much about silver. Silver is not only used in jewelry, it is also used in: electronic devices and food apparatus. Most of the people don't know much about silver, its rate, and quality but still they love to buy it in the form of jewelry. Most commonly used silver jewelry is: silver necklace, silver bracelets and silver rings.

gold bracelets for sale uk |By Cecilia Wang on April 12, 2011

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These silver rings and other jewelry are also available online nowadays and you can get it in just a single click at your home. Many web sites sell the silver jewelry in very reasonable rates.

When we talk about the silver rings the brand which comes in to our mind is sterling silver rings, these are one of the most common, popular and stunning silver rings. Being malleable is one of the physical properties of silver metal that is why it can be easily molded in to any shape. Mostly jeweler use alloy of silver to make silver jewelry, which is not very easy to bend or mold as it is hard as compared to silver metal alone. Alloy is basically mixture of two metals. Sterling silver rings are also made up of 92.5 percent silver and the remaining quantity is usually nickel which is used as the hardening agent to prevent breakage of ring. Silver is easily available in the market and it is very less expensive n comparison with gold and platinum. Wearing a silver ring will make you look trendy and traditional.

You can choose different design in the sterling silver rings, according to your taste and style. You can also order a ring according to your choice. These rings are available in a number of designs, some have a cubic zirconia fitted on them and some have other birth stones fitted on them. These stones can enhance the traditional and historical look of these rings. Try to keep your silver jewelry away from chlorine, bleaching agents and sulfur. And try to keep it packed when you are not wearing them.

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Value Does Puffery Have For The Advertiser

By Jacqueline Smith on August 08, 2010

A hyperbolic claim is not protected as mere puffery, however, when it claims an at-tribute the product does not have. An ad cannot claim that a candy bar is the finest chocolate if it contains no chocolate. An ad cannot claim that margarine is a dairy product. A puffed statement in an ad is in effect a no falsifiable claim. But if falsity cannot be proved, then neither cans truth.

So what value does puffery have for the advertiser? The advertiser benefits when we take the subjective claim to have objective validity, when we assume that there are criteria governing the determination of the quality claimed and that someone is assuring us that the quality as claimed exists. Puffed statements, however, should be treated as bald assertions of superiority with no evidence to back them up.

For example, the NAD concluded that the claim "Europeans .. . love Kronenbourg" was an expression of the opinion of the manufacturer and "not subject to substantiation by objective research data," but that the claim "Europeans drink more Kronenbourg than any other bottled beer" was a factual claim requiring proof. When the advertiser provided sales figures from the European brewers' association confirming that Kronenbourg was the best-selling bottled beer in Europe, the NAD concluded that the claim had been substantiated and closed the case.

An ad may not promise something a product cannot do, and the FTC now has the power to force advertisers to include statements remedying past deceptions in current advertising. That is why Hawaiian Punch told us in one series of ads what percentage of its product is fruit juice, and Listerine conceded in its ads that it does not prevent colds.

Fantasy No reasonable person believes that a cleaning product comes with a giant who will clean your sink, or that its competitor releases a white tornado. The rationale for permitting such claims is the same as that permitting puffery: reasonable people do not believe such claims. The difficulty arises when some consumer believes the claims. If you believe that a support shoe will really enable you to walk on air,Cartier gold necklace, and you buy the product expecting to be transported above the crowd, the ad has deceived you. Nonetheless, the law assumes that you should not have been deceived by the fantasy in the ad because its claim is patently ludicrous.

The NARB's treatment of the Chicken of the Sea claim that it was the "best" tuna illustrates the bounds of a claim based in fantasy. When Chicken of the Sea made the claim "in a whimsical jingle involving a mermaid," it was acceptable. When the mermaid was eliminated or deemphasized,Cartier Double C Motif Charm Necklace With Half Diamond Paved, "Thereby diluting the whimsical quality of the claim," and the claim "What's the best tuna-- Chicken of the Sea" was juxtaposed with a visual image of a government seal, the NARB concluded that the ad had the capacity to deceive. The ad's use of the seal, available to any seafood manufacturer who maintains the required quality, implied that Chicken of the Sea had government endorsement as the "best" tuna.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Technology Has Made Life Better

By Janny Pan on January 02, 2011

Technology is the eternal charm of the Expo. Looking at the 150 years history of the World Expo, each success is inseparable from the support of science and technology, therefore, the achievements of science and technology is the memorable highlights of each Expo. Looking back at the history, we can find that all technologies like lighting, communications were impossible several years ago, but when they were available at the Expo , they gradually become the mainstream industry, and widely give the benefit to all mankind.
"Better City, Better Life", is the theme of 2010 Shanghai World Expo, but also our common aspirations. Then how people live in the city more comfortable and more harmonious? The innovation with technology showed in the Shanghai World Expo has described a better future life for our city and open the door to the future. A colorful city is coming.
Science and technology not only promote the process of economy and society, but also enhance our quality of life and make the life more comfortable and convenient. Science and technology have played an important role in clothing, food, housing, transportation, people's production, and life. In the rapid development of 21st century, more technology is not mysterious,Cartier love collection on sale discount, it is in our life,Cartier Panther Charm Necklace in Gold Plated With Spot Nature, as long as we take a careful observation, you can invent your own technology. In this session of the Shanghai World Expo, 189 countries around the world, 57 international organizations and 18 enterprises proposed their new ideas in the new energy, environmental protection, energy saving and other aspects. Practice will prove that the display at the Expo about the new energy, new materials and new information technologies will be widely promoted and applied in the future.
Technology comes from life and life also can not live without technology. The modern development of technology give a big space for young people, they can have more chances to touch ,to learn science, and it is a good way to open their eyes. Older generation of scientists have used their outstanding contributions to promote the development of human civilization. Young people of our generation must take their example from childhood to love science, pay attention to civilization, study hard and improve the ideological and moral standards and scientific and cultural quality, continuously improve the scientific practice and innovative ability. Try to become a man with scientific creation and make a contribution to our city life.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Evolution of The Men's Wallet From Fabric to Design

By Jim D Knight on July 13, 2010

"Most men,Cartier gold bracelets, no matter how well or badly dressed, carry overstuffed, beat up wallets that should have been replaced years ago. Why is that? Every time I see a guy take out a wallet anywhere, it looks like a piece of old melted chocolate cake-with strings."

- Jonathan Samuel Carroll, American author.

If Mr. Carroll had seen the latest on offer in wallets of man, he would have had no reason to complain about their appearances. With the emergence of the metro sexual male, the wallet has transformed itself from being a mere receptacle of cash to a statement of style. As men evolved over the last few decades from fashion-haters to fashion-lovers, so have their wallets. Indeed, there has been an evolution of the wallet of man from fabric to design.

Even a decade or two ago, a wallet almost always meant a small, boring, leather bag in black or brown. In fact, wallets remained virtually unchanged throughout the 20th century, with the exception of the Velcro wallet which was introduced in the 1970s. Although leather was the dominant material, different fabrics also began to be used. The All-ett billfold wallet, that reduced the bulkiness of its predecessors by half, was invented in 1995, and remains the most popular version even today. However, the 21st century has seen several new innovations in this field, usually for purpose of style rather than function. Thus was born the designer wallet.

While earlier wallets concentrated on fabric, nowadays they focus on design. Not surprisingly, wallets of man form a significant part in the repertoire of modern designer houses like Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, Cartier, Cavalli, Hermes, Lenvin, Louis Vuitton, Ferragamo, Guess, Gucci, Versace, Ungaro, Montblanc,Cartier Cartier White Gold Plated Pendent, Dunhill, ST Dupont, Seton, Picard, Portage, Braun Buffel, etc. Their designer creations have elevated the mens wallet from an item of daily use to a fashion accessory worthy of flaunting.

The focus on design has given birth to wallets made of materials you would not normally associate with the product, such as duct tape and stainless steel. While duct tape is a polyethylene, reinforced, multi-purpose pressure sensitive tape with adhesive originally developed as a water resistant sealing tape for ammunition cases during World War II, stainless steel is an iron alloy normally found in construction and utensils. Wallets made out of these two materials are extremely tough and durable, besides being very trendy and fashionable. Plastic and denim wallets are also very popular nowadays, especially among the younger set. Some innovative designs resemble dollar bills and cassette tapes.

With the latest designer wallets, you can let your choice express your personality. Not only are they elegant necessities, they are ideal gifts for men. If you are a woman looking for the perfect gift on Fathers Day or Valentines Day, you cannot go wrong with a designer wallet. With a proliferation of designs and types such as bifold, trifold, checkbook, passport, money clip wallets, you are literally spoiled for choice. So, start choosing!

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